🛠️Use Cases

The Veryfi system offers a comprehensive solution to verify asset ownership across multiple chains. Its functionalities open doors for various use cases that cater to an increasingly interoperable blockchain world. Here's a detailed breakdown of its potential applications:

1. Verification of Asset Ownership Across Chains

Use Case:

Imagine a decentralized project that wants to reward its early supporters who hold its native token but on different chains. Veryfi allows the project to effortlessly verify the holdings of a particular address across multiple chains, ensuring that rightful holders get their rewards regardless of the chain their tokens are on.

How Veryfi Facilitates This:

Using the getMyBalance and getBalance functions, Veryfi can check the balance of a user's token on a specific chain. This means projects can cross-verify asset ownership without users needing to prove their holdings manually.

2. Access to NFT Holders Across Chains

Use Case:

Consider a gaming company that releases an NFT on Ethereum. This NFT grants its holders access to a special feature in a game. Later, the company decides to expand and integrate with another blockchain, say Polygon. Veryfi allows the company to recognize the NFT holders on Ethereum and grant them similar access on the Polygon-based game without the need for any token transfers.

How Veryfi Facilitates This:

The system can verify if a particular Ethereum address holds the NFT and then grant access or benefits on another chain's protocol or DApp based on this verification.

3. Proposals and Governance Across Chains

Use Case:

Decentralized projects often have governance tokens that allow holders to vote on proposals. As DeFi protocols expand to multiple chains, ensuring that token holders on all chains can participate in governance becomes crucial.

How Veryfi Facilitates This:

By using Veryfi, a project can check the holdings of their governance token across multiple chains, ensuring that a holder on, say, Binance Smart Chain, has the same voting rights as a holder on Ethereum.

4. Cross-Chain Staking Verification

Use Case:

A DeFi project offers staking rewards on Ethereum but wants to also reward users who stake their tokens on other chains like Optimism or Arbitrum.

How Veryfi Facilitates This:

With Veryfi's ability to check balances across chains, it can verify the staked amount on any supported chain, ensuring that stakers get their due rewards irrespective of where they've staked.

5. Interoperable DApps and Protocols

Use Case:

A decentralized exchange (DEX) on Ethereum wants to reward its liquidity providers. If the same DEX exists on another chain like Polygon, it would want to ensure that its users are rewarded uniformly, irrespective of the chain.

How Veryfi Facilitates This:

Veryfi can be integrated into DApps and protocols to check and verify user balances or stakes on different chains, ensuring that rewards, access, or any other user-specific features are consistently applied across chains.

6. Proof of Membership or Participation

Use Case:

A decentralized project wants to offer exclusive benefits to its community members across various chains, like early access to a new feature.

How Veryfi Facilitates This:

By verifying token or NFT ownership across chains, Veryfi can serve as a proof of membership, ensuring that genuine community members get their exclusive benefits no matter which chain they're on.


Veryfi's CrosschainLookup contract acts as a bridge, ensuring that the decentralized world remains interconnected and users don't miss out on benefits just because they're on a different chain. As the blockchain ecosystem becomes more fragmented with multiple layer 1 and layer 2 solutions, tools like Veryfi will become indispensable in ensuring seamless interoperability and user experience.

Last updated